The organising committee of the Grand Round in Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti (FETHI), had its first quarterly seminar edition for the year 2022 on the topic ” Residency (Post-Grad) Training. Where and How? A Tale of 3 Residencies” review on Thursday, 3rd March, at the Hospital’s mini conference hall.

The resource person Professor. T.G Olajide, a Consultant ENT Surgeon from the Department of Otp- Rhino- Laryngology, defined residency training as a graduate medical program for any licenced doctor that intend to work independently without supervision.

The lecture was captured into four(4) overviews as follows; Criteria to be a resident doctor; Why residency training; Conduct of a resident doctor,
Problems and challenges.

A statistical summary on the list of consultants that had been produced by the residency training programme unit since it’s inception in FETHI was illustrated to advance awareness on evidence based familiarity with the growing healthcare movement.

Prof. O.O. Akuku, a Consultant and second resource person; further took the particpants on the topic titled ; A “TALE” of 3 RESIDENCIES .

He defined surgery as both science and art; highlighting the four (4) basic types of positions in localty to the USA, UK and Nigeria.

Thereafter, the listeners were taken through investigations into the personal experiences and comparisons made with few determinants for consideration in the 3 programmes, their localty and peculiarities.

Several observations, questions and answers were made by the participants to appropriately address the prevalent immigration trend amongst medical practitioners.

The CMD in his closing remark, challenged the residents to strike a balanced relationship between work and learning which is fundamental to the professional development of doctors and other healthcare professionals in the workplace.

He thereafter urged all present to stay loyal to themselves and whatever task they undertake as professionals in order to preserve our healthcare system.

Dr. Onyeama, Chairman of the Grand Round Organising Committee, while giving his vote of thanks, appreciated the CMD for speaking guidance, the guest speakers for the enlightening lectures, the participants for sitting through and members of the Grand Ground team for their efforts; as he prayed for God’s blessings and expressed hope that the next programme will be much better.


The organising committee of the Grand Round in Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti (FETHI), had its first quarterly seminar edition for the year 2022 on the topic ” Residency (Post-Grad) Training. Where and How? A Tale of 3 Residencies” review on Thursday, 3rd March, at the Hospital’s mini conference hall.

The resource person Professor. T.G Olajide, a Consultant ENT Surgeon from the Department of Oto- Rhino- Laryngology, defined residency training as a graduate medical program for any licenced doctor that intend to work independently without supervision.

The lecture was captured into four(4) overviews as follows; Criteria to be a resident doctor; Why residency training; Conduct of a resident doctor,
Problems and challenges.

A statistical summary on the list of consultants that had been produced by the residency training programme unit since it’s inception in FETHI was illustrated to advance awareness on evidence based familiarity with the growing healthcare movement.

Prof. O.O. Akute,, a Consultant and second resource person; further took the particpants on the topic titled ; A “TALE” of 3 RESIDENCIES .

He defined surgery as both science and art; highlighting the four (4) basic types of positions in localty to the USA, UK and Nigeria.

Thereafter, the listeners were taken through investigations into the personal experiences and comparisons made with few determinants for consideration in the 3 programmes, their localty and peculiarities.

Several observations, questions and answers were made by the participants to appropriately address the prevalent immigration trend amongst medical practitioners.

The CMD in his closing remark, challenged the residents to strike a balanced relationship between work and learning which is fundamental to the professional development of doctors and other healthcare professionals in the workplace.

He thereafter urged all present to stay loyal to themselves and whatever task they undertake as professionals in order to preserve our healthcare system.

Dr. Onyeama, Chairman of the Grand Round Organising Committee, while giving his vote of thanks, appreciated the CMD for speaking guidance, the guest speakers for the enlightening lectures, the participants for sitting through and members of the Grand Ground team for their efforts; as he prayed for God’s blessings and expressed hope that the next programme will be much better.