The Federal Teaching Hospital Chapter of the Senior Staff Association on Thursday 3rd March, 2016 formally announced the end of the four year tenure of her Executive. This historic ceremony had in attendance Pharmacist Age Solomon, the out-going president, his Executives and hundred’s of the Association members in attendance.
Pharmacist Age Solomon, in his address expressed his appreciation to Senior Staff Association members that elected him four years ago for the honor and confidence reposed in him. His address which was guided by the minute of the last meeting dwelt on issues like outstanding Arrears, Rural Allowance, Shift and Call Allowance (Arrears), Tenure Expiration and the election of new Executive for the Association.
The S.S.A. Congress after the president’s long remark announced the dissolution of the Pharmacist Age Solomon led executive and equally appointed a nine Man electoral committee to work out the modalities for the conduct of a peaceful election of Association Executives and to ensure a largely free and credible election.
The nine man interim electoral committee is chaired Arogundade Mikhail. The other members are Aladesuru Seun, Ofodile Chris, Abdullahi Adeoti and five others.