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Medical Team from the Community Medicine and Pharmacy Departments of Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti (FETHI) on Thursday 21st January, 2021 visited Osi in Ekiti Local Government Area of Kwara State to sensitize the community on the benefits of regular medical check-up and staying healthy.

Mrs. Adeniyi from the Community Medicine Department of the hospital, after her welcome address sensitized the attendees on the benefits of living a healthy life and undertaking routine check-up when not necessarily sick, especially when an affordable, qualitative and quantitative health care delivery is being brought to their doorsteps.

In her lectures, she enlightened the participants on the global COVID-19 pandemic ravaging our land. She described it as an infectious disease caused by a novel coronavirus now called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-coV-2). Some of the common symptoms she mentioned included: Dry cough, sore throat, headache, fever, tiredness e.t.c.

In the same vein, she enlightened them on the preventive measures to spread the disease. Some of which are:

i. Washing the hands regularly with soap and water for at least 60 seconds,

ii. Maintaining a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

iii. Wearing of a face mask/shield always.

iv. Avoid touching of eyes, nose or mouth.

v. Covering of nose and mouth with bent elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing.

Similarly, she enlightened attendees on the leading causes to chronic health conditions such as High Blood Pressure (HBP), Diabetes, Cancer e.t.c., noting that early detection is the key, which can be achieved through routine medical check-ups, strict compliance to drug regiments coupled with practical healthy lifestyles. The aforementioned are ways of living a healthy life.

She discouraged unhealthy habits such as smoking, alcohol intake, poor environmental hygiene and self medication among the participants.

Activities carried out during the outreach programme were: Counselling, vital signs, consultations, and dispensation of drugs.

In attendance were 45 patients. Dr. Ilesanmi and other medical team were on ground for the outreach program.