FETHI performs her first AWAKE FIBEROPTIC NASOTRACHEAL INTUBATION for the correction TMJ ankylosis.

A 68year old woman presented with inability to open the mouth of 5yrs duration due to severe left temporomandibular joint ankylosis.
Awake Fibreoptic nasotracheal intubation was done with the aid of Video fiberoptic bronchoscope after which gap arthroplasty was done in the mandibular ramus of the affected side.
Maxillofacial Surgeons: Drs Akinbade A.O and Obimakinde O.S, assistant surgeon : Dr. Omopariola. ENT surgeons : Prof Olajide and Dr. Aremu and their team Anaesthesiologist & HOD anaesthesia: Dr. Orewole, Anaesthetists:Drs Aremu, Onilenla and Obaviojake Mr. Kpemi and Mrs Okurume. Perioperative nurses: Mr Asifat & Mrs Kolawole. Dental Surgery Technicians: Mrs Omotoso and Omotola.

We sincerely appreciate the ever vibrant and focused management of FETHI for creating the enabling working environment and facility.

Dr. A.O Akinbade
Dentistry Department